Maximizing Your Mobile Ad Network Promotion

Mobile affiliate marketing has really started to take off with 2010 finally becoming the year of mobile marketing. As affiliate managers with a prominent mobile affiliate network, we are asked time and time again for ideas on how to expand mobile campaign strategy. One would think we would receive large commission checks for our consulting insight but alas, that's another story for another time. One key place where we see affiliates shoot themselves in the foot is by doing what everybody else is doing.

Our network provides affiliate training via webinars and we send out newsletters via email at least one to two times a week, which contributes to us being a leader in the industry. My point in mentioning this is that many times affiliates will take everything they watch on webinars and see in newsletters and do everything they saw, yet not test with their own strategy using the model from the training. Shortly thereafter, the affiliate will submit a ticket asking why they received X number of clicks and one to no conversions on their mobile ad campaign. Things that make ya go "hrmmmm" indeed.

Now, rest assured a solution does exist and you're about to discover what you can do different to maximize your mobile ad network promotion.

Briefly, two main ways exist to promote mobile CPA offers:
Buy media from a mobile ad network
Create mobile optimized content sites

Creating mobile optimized content sites is beyond the scope of this article because it is a topic requiring an article series devoted to key strategies.

So, buying media from a mobile ad network is our point of focus moving forward in this article.

What specifically can you do differently to model what you discover in training webinars or read in newsletters whilst still doing something different to put your own spin on your strategy?

First, when you see a campaign demoed, ask yourself why the campaign worked to begin with. For example, a profitable mobile CPA campaign in the past was a video club offer in the Middle East. Two profit points:

1. Other geo-locations like the Middle East really don't have the same level of media interaction that we do in the US.
2. People were bored (it's the desert, people J ).
3. The most profitable affiliates got in early.
4. On top of #3 the most profitable affiliates either created their own landing pages, built out their campaigns based on what worked in the initial campaign on other mobile ad networks, invested more money in the campaign once they found what worked (or all of the above).

To build out and optimize your campaigns, analyze your campaign reporting:
Where did a majority of clicks and conversions originate from?
What geographic location did most of the action come from?
What time of day?
Are there any other mobile ad networks that make sense to build out the campaign on based on your campaign reporting?

Does what you are doing take work?

YES! Or we would all own our own private islands sipping our favorite tasty beverage right now. At least now you have the start of the real scoop so you are not taken for a ride you may never get off of thinking you can make a bagillion by next week by copying and pasting campaigns.


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