History of Florida Timeshares

This happy coincidence of good weather and an excellent tourism industry is not actually coincidental - decades ago, the Florida government decided to capitalize on their lovely location and climate conditions, and provided several business incentives for the tourism industry to develop. We Are a Law Firm Specializing in Florida Timeshare Probate . We counsel out-of-state law firms and families by probating estates and ancillary estates throughout Florida. The time share concept originated in the early 60's. Although many people that visiting the sunshine state desired a vacation property there few could afford it. The 60's brought in the decade of peace and love and the popularity of owning your hotel room (at least for one week a year) as opposed to renting it as a one off. By the 70's some of the larger management companies evolved such as RCI and Consolidated TS Inc. Florida was a natural fit for these companies due to it's popularity, climate, a...